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An AI-powered, intelligent and easy-to-use common data environment platform enabling construction teams to deliver better, safer and faster.

Zepth Construction Cloud

The most advanced tools for the most efficient project delivery

Enhance oversight with detailed, easy-to-use inspection tools across inspection requests to inspection reports.
Snag List
Snag List
Quickly identify, document, and track resolution of issues on-site, ensuring projects stay on track and meet quality standards.
Implement rigorous Health, Safety, & Environmental standards with tools designed to maintain compliance across every phase of your project.
Incident Reporting
Incident Reporting
Streamline the process of recording, analyzing, and responding to on-site incidents to improve safety and mitigate risks promptly.
Daily Reports
Daily Reports
Capture comprehensive daily reports with detailed manpower logs, material logs, equipment logs, site photos etc.
A visual progress reporting tool with innovative tools to store progress on plans, create timelines, mark snags and a lot more.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports
Integrated with Oracle Primavera, Zepth progress reports helps capture detailed project advancements regularly, facilitating strategic planning.
Non-conformance Reporting
Non-conformance Reporting
Efficiently manage & track deviations from standards and specifications ensuring project integrity and compliance.
Material Inspections
Material Inspections
Ensure all materials meet project specifications and quality standards with thorough inspections and detailed reporting.
Site Instructions
Site Instructions
Communicate clear, actionable instructions to site personnel, ensuring consistent execution and adherence to project plans.
Document Register
Document Register
Centralize and manage all project documents in one secure location, enabling easy access and tracking throughout the project lifecycle.
Facilitate efficient communication with an integrated mailing system that ensures timely and organized exchanges among project stakeholders.
Streamline the submission and review of project documents and materials, ensuring timely approvals and adherence to project timelines.
RFI Management
RFI Management
Efficiently handle Requests for Information, reducing response times and enhancing communication between contractors and suppliers.
Securely send and track critical project documents and communications, ensuring all parties are updated and accountable.
Authority Approval Logs
Authority Approval Logs
Track and manage all approvals from authorities in a structured log, ensuring compliance and smooth progression of project phases.
Insights & Analytics
Insights & Analytics
Leverage data-driven insights to enhance decision-making, optimize performance, and predict project outcomes with advanced analytics tools.
Task Management
Task Management
Organize and prioritize project tasks effectively, enhancing team productivity and ensuring project milestones are met on schedule.
Minutes of Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
Automatically record and distribute minutes from meetings, capturing key decisions and actions to keep all project participants aligned.
Project Cost Control
Project Cost Control
Efficiently monitor and manage project expenses with robust tracking tools, ensuring projects stay within budget and financial objectives are met.
Capital Planning
Capital Planning
Strategically plan and forecast capital expenditures, optimizing investment allocation and enhancing financial performance across projects.
Risk Management
Risk Management
Proactively identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks throughout the project lifecycle to ensure smooth execution and minimize disruptions.
AI Risk Manager
AI Risk Manager
Leverage 50+ AI agents to predict and prevent risks, enabling preemptive actions and strategic decision-making to safeguard project outcomes.
AI Risk Manager
AI Risk Manager
Utilize 50+ AI agents to foresee and mitigate risks, enhancing project safety and reducing unexpected delays for smoother project execution.
AI Docu Chat
AI Docu Chat
Access project documents effortlessly through an AI-powered chat interface, streamlining document interaction and boosting team productivity.
AI CoPilot
AI CoPilot
Your AI-powered assistant delivers real-time analytics and actionable insights, simplifying complex decision-making across your projects.
AI Portfolio Insights
AI Portfolio Insights
Gain a comprehensive overview of your entire project portfolio, leveraging AI to highlight performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.
AI Emotional Intelligence
AI Emotional Intelligence
Analyze team sentiment and stakeholder interactions to enhance communication and improve project environment dynamically.
AI Market Intelligence
AI Market Intelligence
Gain strategic insights into market trends and competitor activities with AI-driven analysis, helping you stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
AI Unified Dashboard
AI Unified Dashboard
With 50+ integrations, consolidate data from multiple sources into a single, intuitive dashboard, offering comprehensive project insights.
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